American K-sisters

In the American K-sisters podcast, Heena and Linda share their experiences over the last 10 and 20 years of living in the United States as young Korean women. Our talk encompasses a variety of topics including immigration, job search, graduate school, dating, marriage, interracial relationships, and food. We hope that 20/30 something Koreans and Korean Americans relate to our joys and struggles. Fellow sisters, brothers, and party people, join in with a cup of cozy tea or a glass of cool drink! --- Find us here! [Instagram: @AmericanKsisters] [Email:] [Website:] [YouTube:] [Music by:]

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Season 3 Coming Soon!

Welcome to the American K-sisters podcast! 

We, Heena and Linda moved from Korea and have been living in the U.S. over the past 10 and 20 years, respectively. We are fans of K-pop, especially BTS, and love talking about Korean food and culture. We also share our experiences with immigration, careers, graduate school, dating, marriage, and interracial relationships. 

We have released 20 episodes in Korean since 2021, and starting with episode 18, we recorded English episodes. This way, we hope to reach more audiences who can relate to our joys and struggles. We welcome all listeners who are curious about Korea, Korean American friends, and folks with multicultural background!

Please tell us about you and what you thought of the podcast! Leave a comment on YouTube or Instagram, or write to us at

Thanks for listening!


Thursday Dec 16, 2021

미국의 파티에 가면, 영화나 드라마에서 보던대로 항상 화려한 홀에서 멋지고 아름다운 사람들이 한껏 멋을 내고 샴페인 잔을 들고 있을까요? 그리고 미국인들은 과음한 다음 날 아침 햄버거와 피자로 해장하는 것이 사실일까요? 각종 모임과 파티가 많은 연말연시를 맞아, 미국사는 언니들은 어떤 파티계획이 있는지, 미국에서 경험한 파티 문화는 어떤한지 이야기 나눠보았습니다. Let’s Partaaaaay!What comes to your mind when you think of American parties? People in evening gowns, dancing in a fancy ballroom, making a toast with champaign? What are real parties like in the USA? Do people actually eat burgers and pizza for hangovers? It’s the end of the year, full of gatherings and parties. American K-sisters talk about what parties they have in plan and how party scenes are different in Korea and the US. Let’s party! 웹사이트: AmericanKsisters.com인스타그램: @AmericanKsisters YouTube: 미국사는언니들AmericanKsisters이메일:  음악: Miss Christine

Friday Dec 03, 2021

탈출구가 없어 보이는 지긋지긋한 코로나시대. 여러분은 어떻게 이 난관을 극복하고 계신가요? 저희 미국사는 언니들과 같이 미국에 거주하고 계신 분들은, 정부와 미디어의 각기 다른 메세지에 더해, 마스크 착용과 백신에 반대하는 미국인들로 인해 더욱 혼란스러웠을 겁니다. 이번 에피소드에서는 코로나시대를 저희는 어떻게 버텨왔는지, 지난 약 2년 간의 팬데믹 동안 저희의 직장생활과 인간관계, 건강 방면에서 어떤 변화가 있었는지 얘기해보려고 합니다.Are you burned out from the pandemic? We hear you! K-sisters have been dreaming of a post-pandemic world forever. Back in early 2020, we started hearing news about novel coronavirus from Chinese and Korean media. It eventually arrived in the United States and rapidly swept over the country, heightening anti-Asian narratives and violence. In this episode, Heena and Linda talk about how the CVOID-19 pandemic has affected their lives in terms of their work, relationships, and health. They also share what they have learned from their experiences and how they continue to manage safety concerns and limitations on socialization. #ARMYvaccinatedtoo 에피소드와 관련된 린다의 뉴스레터들 Linda's Phone Game AddictionAsian Hate CrimeHeena's Daily WalkAmerican K-sisters Information웹사이트: AmericanKsisters.com인스타그램: @AmericanKsisters YouTube: 미국사는언니들AmericanKsisters이메일:  음악: Miss Christine

Friday Nov 19, 2021

미국에서의 크리스마스! 뭐가 제일 먼저 떠오르시나요? 클래스가 다른 푸짐한 음식, 화려한 크리스마스 장식, 온 가족이 참여하는 선물 교환? 이번 에피소드에서는 저희가 경험한 미국의 명절은 한국의 명절과 어떻게 다른지, 미국에서는 어떤 음식을 먹고 무엇을 하며 보내는지에 대해 이야기를 나눠 보았습니다. Happy Holidays!What comes to your mind when you think of American Christmas? A table full of food, colorful decorations, big parties, or gift exchange with the whole family? In this episode, we talk about end-of-the-year holidays in the United States, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. How are they different from Korean holidays? What do we do and what do we eat? Happy Holidays, everyone!웹사이트: AmericanKsisters.com인스타그램: @AmericanKsisters YouTube: 미국사는언니들AmericanKsisters이메일:  음악: Miss Christine

Friday Nov 05, 2021

진짜 미국라이프가 궁금하신가요? 미국으로의 유학과 취업, 이민까지 계획 중이신가요? 미국생활 10년 & 20년 차 언니들의 다이내믹한 아메리칸 라이프로 초대합니다! 이번 첫 에피소드에서는 저희가 누구인지, 어디에 살면서 무슨 일을 하는지, 어떻게 미국에 오게 되었는지 간단히 소개해드릴게요. 앞으로 나오는 에피소드에서 유학, 취업, 이민 뿐 아니라 문화와 제도 등 모든 방면에 걸친 경험기를 공유할 예정입니다. Stay tuned!Fancy a life in the United States? Are you planning to move to New York City for study, work, or a new life? We invite you to the extraordinary life of Korean “sisters”! In this episode, we will have a brief introduction on who we are, what we do for a living, and how we started living in the U.S. In later episodes, we will share our experiences over the last 10 or 20 years of studying abroad, searching for a job, immigrating to a new country as well as our thoughts on various cultural and societal topics. Stay tuned! 웹사이트: AmericanKsisters.com인스타그램: @AmericanKsisters YouTube: 미국사는언니들AmericanKsisters이메일:  음악: Miss Christine

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